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    士師記 = Judges : a Bible commentary for teaching and preaching / J. Clinton McCann著 ; 李子和譯 ; 羅光喜校譯. 2010. 222.32 8220.  
    以弗所書, 歌羅西書, 腓利門書 = Ephesians, Colossians, and Philemon : a Bible commentary for teaching and preaching / Ralph P. Martin著 ; 陳嘉式譯. 2013. 227.5 8073.  
    以西結書 = Ezekiel : a Bible commentary for teaching and preaching / Joseph Blenkinsopp著 ; 張洵宜譯 ; 羅光喜校譯. 2010. 224.4 1748.  
    何西阿書-彌迦書 = Hosea-Micah : a Bible commentary for teaching and preaching / James Limburg著 ; 邱淑嬪, 陳南州譯. 2012. 224.6 7481.  
    但以理書 = Daniel : a Bible commentary for teaching and preaching / W. Sibley Towner著 ; 林晚生譯 ; 羅光喜校譯. 2012. 224.5 3058.  
    使徒行傳 = Acts : a Bible commentary for teaching and preaching / William H. Willimon著 ; 胡宏志譯. 2016. 226.6 5477.  
    約翰福音 = John : a Bible commentary for teaching and preaching / Gerard S. Sloyan著 ; 梁哲懋譯. 2013. 226.5 9704.  
    馬太福音 = Matthew : a Bible commentary for teaching and preaching / Douglas R.A. Hare著 ; 張洵宜譯 ; 梁哲懋校譯. 2010. 226.2 0074.  
    馬可福音 = Mark : a Bible commentary for teaching and preaching / Lamar Williamson著 ; 鄭慧姃譯 ; 董俊蘭校譯. 2010. 226.3 5477.  
    創世記 = Genesis : a Bible commentary for teaching and preaching / Walter Brueggemann著 ; 康進順譯 ; 房志榮校譯. 2013. 222.11 1754.  
    腓立比書 = Philippians : a Bible commentary for teaching and preaching / Fred B. Craddock著 ; 張洵宜譯 ; 邱淑嬪校譯. 2009. 227.6 2703.  
    雅歌 = Song of songs : a Bible commentary for teaching and preaching / Robert W. Jenson著 ; 羅敏珍譯 ; 羅光喜校譯. 2012. 223.9 4489.  
    路得記 = Ruth : a Bible commentary for teaching and preaching / Katharine Doob Sakenfield著 ; 鄭慧姃譯 ; 羅光喜校譯. 2009. 222.35 9024.  
    歷代志. 上, 下 = First and Second Chronicles : a Bible commentary for teaching and preaching / Steven S. Tuell著 ; 徐秀蓉, 張心怡, 馮世綱譯 ; 徐秀蓉校譯. 2015. 222.6 3547.  
    羅馬書 = Romans : a Bible commentary for teaching and preaching / Paul J. Achtemeier著 ; 鄭慧姃譯 ; 吳志和, 蘇代干校譯. 2011. 227.1 0203.  

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