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A living miracle
    成為神蹟 : 在平凡生活中經歷上帝的同在 = A living miracle / [梁廷益著]. 2007. 782 3318.  
Living on the edge : another angle to look at the Sermon on the Mount
    活在邊緣 : 再思'登山寶訓' / 湯紹源, 李承沛著. 2016. 226.9 3623.  
Living on the edge : dare to experience true spirituality
    True spirituality : becoming a Romans 12 Christian / Chip Ingram. 2013. 248.4 ING.  
Living on the ragged edge : coming to terms with reality
    Living on the ragged edge : coming to terms with reality / Charles R. Swindoll. 1985. 223.8 SWI.  
    Living on the ragged edge : coming to terms with reality / Charles R. Swindoll. 1985. 223.806 SWI.  
Living out the truth : the spiritual pursuit of Martin Luther and John Calvin
    活出眞道 : 馬丁路德與加爾文的屬靈追求 / 吳國傑著. 2013. 248.092 2662.  
The living reminder : service and prayer in memory of jesus christ
    記憶的治療者 : 盧雲談服事與禱告 = The living reminder : service and prayer in memory of jesus christ / 盧雲 (Henri J. M. Nouwen) 著 ; 張詠菡譯. 2018. 248.892 8055.  
Living Spring Greek New Testatment exegetical notes
    活泉新約希臘文解經 / [原著Archibald T. Robertson] ; 總編輯, 詹正義. 1991-1999. 225.7 7014.  
Living the good life
    上帝愛你這麼多 / 奧伯格 (John Ortberg) 著 ; 屈貝琴譯. 2007. 242 0731.  
Living the message : daily help for living the God-centered life
    天天活出神的話 / 畢德生 (Eugene H. Peterson) 著 ; 顧瓊華譯. 2007. 242.2 1434.  
Living the spirituality balanced life : acquiring the virtues you admire
    恰到好處 : 活出均衡靈命的美德 / 雷.安德森著; 陳永財譯. 2004. 241.4 0834.  

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